世界各地正在進行地緣政治重組,如東歐和中東的武裝衝突,以及美國和中國之間日益激烈的競爭 也對太平洋兩岸的關係產生影響。東亞和拉丁美洲區域自16世紀以來即透過海上貿易建立彼此聯繫,並在過去幾十年間持續透過貿易和投資加強經濟互動。由於拉丁美洲和亞洲皆與世界兩大經濟體──美國與中國存有歷史連結,美中關係將直接地影響兩地區未來的經濟和政治發展。
The ongoing geopolitical shifts following conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, along with the U.S.-China competition, are influencing Pacific relations. East Asia and Latin America, linked through maritime trade since the 16th century, have seen increased economic interactions in recent decades, primarily in trade and investment. The future of both regions will be shaped by the dynamics between Beijing and Washington.
The International Seminar will focus on the current geopolitical landscape and its effects on Latin America and the Asia-Pacific. Hosted by the Department of Diplomacy and the “Madre Ángeles de Dios Trilla” Center for Latin American Studies at National Chengchi University, this event aims to foster academic research on Latin America. We will invite scholars and experts to discuss the following topics:
1. East Asia and Latin America relations in the current decade
2. Economic development in East Asia and Latin America
3. Development of Asian studies in Latin America
4. Development of Latin American studies in Asia
5. China and the United States competition in Asia and Latin America
6. Taiwan and its ties to Latin America
*Lunch boxes will be provided for participants after the morning session.
The detailed agenda will be provided later. If you have any questions, please email |